Menopause Mayhem by Sarah Fisk, Acupuncturist

Supporting You with Acupuncture

How acupuncture can help women through the menopause either as part of a combined approach with conventional medicine (HRT) or on its own with diet, lifestyle and exercise.

In many cases we see menopause as a scary place to be. Often symptoms creep up on us as we are busy working and/or bringing up a family, so we might initially put them down to everyday stress. We might see:

·  our periods get lighter or irregular

·  occasional hot flushes

·  mood swings

·  fatigue with sleep disruption

·  loss of sex drive (libido)

·  vaginal dryness

·  urinary problems

·  joint and muscle aches

·  headaches

·  changes to our skin and hair

·  weight gain

·  anxiety including racing heart

·   depression

·   poor memory and concentration.

A lucky one third of us will have no symptoms. But on average we experience 7 years of symptoms which can be significant and distressing.

 Ongoing physical symptoms can leave us exhausted and the emotional chaos of mood swings, anxiety and depression can affect our quality of life and put a strain on our personal relationships and work.

 Help and Choices

 In clinic, I see acupuncture benefit women coping with the menopause either as a treatment alongside conventional medicine like HRT or alone with changes to diet, exercise and lifestyle. There's value in doing our research, being open minded to treatment and lifestyle changes which may help us.

As the transition to menopause is so individual and can last years, tailored treatments like acupuncture can provide significant support.

Five Element Acupuncture treats holistically at our core and so is excellent for multiple symptoms.

I see a number of menopausal symptoms in clinic that have been successfully treated by acupuncture. In 2019 the BBC shared a study in BMJ Open which found that 5 weeks of acupuncture reduced:

·  Hot flushes/night sweats

·  Depression, anxiety & emotional issues

·  Sleep disturbance and insomnia

All of us deserve help and support. If you're struggling, share how you're feeling with a friend or family member, GP or online support group and explore what's right for you.

Get in touch

I'm passionate about the benefits of Five Element acupuncture.... to find out more about how it could help you, get in touch and I''ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

07931 524 566


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