The Year Has Started and I am Trialling Some Changes!

So, I started the New Year with  a New Year, New Me approach – this time all the changes will work and obviously everything I do will feel and be different!

Then I looked at my diary from last year – 2022 – and saw how busy I had been. That’s fantastic you might say! BUT the realisation was that actually, not a lot had changed in reality.

I had kept old clients, gained new clients, begun working at Idyllic with a great team – BUT had I really made some of the changes I wanted for me?

And the answer was – NO. And I realised that I hadn’t really addressed the habits which kept me in familiar places and when I realised all this in a light bulb moment, I also realised that the podcast I had just listened to was perfect for me at that time, once again validating one of my personal affirmations – ‘Everything you need is usually right in front of you! ‘.

The podcast was with Dr Rangan Chatterjee and the author James Clear, about his insightful book – Atomic Habits. (Podcast #321)

James Clear explained how his life was physically torn apart at a young age and by implementing small changes and small habits daily he was able to secure monumental changes over time, In his book, Clear cites the British Cycling team and how it rode to success from 2003 after Dave Brailsford was hired as its performance director – it was a difference of 1% each day / week which built up over time through changing habits in small but meaningful ways which meant success over time.

The key to this success and strategy is the ‘turning up’ to the habit regularly – a bit like the ‘Couch to 5K’ ethos. Making small gains, by changing old, unproductive habits into attractive and purposeful habits; by literally taking one step at a time and chaining small habits together we can ultimately reap the benefits over time.

Clear asks the single most important question: ARE YOU BECOMING THE TYPE OF PERSON YOU WANT TO BECOME?

It is this fundamental question which was when my light bulb moment came – illuminating all that I was looking at as I reviewed my diary of 2022.

I am happy with who I am but, in some areas, those atomic habits will help guide me to being even more of that person I want to become! Since having heard the podcast, reviewed my diary and begun reading his book in entirety I have ‘shown up’ more for the things I hope to change, embrace and enact within my life. It has helped me to further help my clients who have been a little stuck on some of their issues and I am hearing very positive feedback from clients about how they too are embracing the small meaningful habits which will attract them to the lives they desire rather than sitting back and hoping for change.

Alison Langrick

Transformational Life coach

Alison, who has a diploma in performance and life coaching, and 12 years of life coaching experience, uses Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Neuro-Linguistic Processing (NLP) to help you set and achieve meaningful goals.

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